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Mr Maximin DJONDO

Executive Director, Benin Environment and Education Society

Maximin Djondo has served as Executive Director of two non-profit organizations dedicated to socially and environmentally sustainable biodiversity management, currently, the Benin Environment and Education Society (BEES). In addition to leading these organizations, he has, for the past fifteen years, implemented projects internationally; conducted field studies and desk research; organized conferences,
Workshops, and trainings; and produced documentary films, all with a focus on ecotourism, sustainable wetland management, and in recent years, coastal ecosystems. He has been involved in water and environmental work in most west African countries, Costa Rica and Bhutan, and has managed and led projects for the IUCN NL, IUCN France, Dutch Government, World Resources Institute, Panasonic
Japan, Benin government, UNDP.



🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Speaking at:

Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Sunday 05 September 16:00 - 17:30
H8 - 6 Cap Corse
Conservation technology: The next generation
Thematic Stream Session
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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Monday 06 September 11:00 - 12:30
H3 - IUCN NL pavilion
The next generation of conservation data and technologies | How can innovative, digital technologies and citizen science help solve conservation challenges?
Exhibition Event
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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