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Conservation Action Café - Climate Change

Why attend
This Conservation Action Cafe session will serve as a dialogue space as part of the IUCN consultation process that commenced in June 2021 on the use of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Carbon Offsetting. The outcomes of this event will contribute to the development of IUCN's positions on this matter ahead of UNFCCC COP26.
The important role of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in combating climate change is increasingly recognised today. However, there is currently a wide range of views on some of the challenges of using NbS for climate change mitigation, particularly for carbon offsetting purposes. To help generate greater awareness and consensus on this subject within the Union, IUCN is presently conducting an online survey of its Members and Commissions (please see here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QSGQX3W). This session will present the initial findings from the survey and online webinar consultations and offer a space to have a more detailed discussion on it.
