089 - Geoheritage and protected areas

089 - Geoheritage and protected areas

Latest version in this language: Version for electronic vote | Published on: 01 Sep 2020

CONSIDERING that our well-being and survival depend on the elements and processes of both geodiversity and biodiversity;

NOTING the growing commitment with respect to the preservation, study and sustainable use of geoheritage;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the main geodiversity elements directly influencing biodiversity are geological substrates, which determine hydrology, erosion, nutrients, the chemistry of soils, and vegetation health and cover; landforms, which determine climate, hydrology, soils and habitats and species distributions; and active geological processes, which determine habitats and species distributions and survival;

RECOGNISING that selected geodiversity elements and processes, designated as geoheritage, play a crucial role in underpinning biodiversity conservation and the conservation of protected areas, as well as providing other scientific, conservation and ecosystem-service benefits;

CONSIDERING the specificity of natural cavities resulting from complex dynamic processes linking the Earth’s surface and underground rocks;

RECOGNISING the biological and geological interest in natural cavities, which combine endokarstic and volcanic geological formations with terrestrial and aquatic habitats, and which support fauna, flora and fungi specific to these environments, and include elements and landscapes without any equivalent on Earth’s surface;

RECALLING that underground environments remain largely unknown because they are invisible to most people and hard to access, and are a pioneering frontier for scientific research and discoveries;

CONCERNED that the role of geodiversity in ecosystem services is not yet being fully addressed by protected area policies and management;

BEARING IN MIND that, while certain countries have geoheritage protection, it is generally recognised that the mechanisms available, whether internationally or nationally, are not enough to guarantee conservation of the most significant geosites, and that many of these sites are at risk, mostly due to threats from human activities;

WELCOMING the efforts of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) in supporting the Global Geosites Programme to identify geological sites of international relevance, and the initiative of the IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy, which identifies sites of global significance as standards for Earth’s geological time and its record;

RECALLING that Resolution 5.048 Valuing and conserving geoheritage within the IUCN Programme 2013–2016 (Jeju, 2012) specifically called on the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) to “promote and support, in collaboration with UNESCO and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), the elaboration and extension of the inventory for the Global Geosites Programme, as well as other regional and international inventories of sites of geological interest”;

RECALLING Resolutions 4.040 Conservation of geodiversity and geological heritage (Barcelona, 2008), 5.048 (cited above) and 6.083 Conservation of moveable geological heritage (Hawai‘i, 2016) in favour of geoconservation;

ALSO RECALLING Resolution 6.041 Identifying Key Biodiversity Areas for safeguarding biodiversity (Hawai‘i, 2016), which reveals that identifying, promoting and protecting geodiversity is missing in the global conservation agenda;

FURTHER RECALLING Resolution 6.063 Avoiding extinction in limestone karst areas (Hawai‘i, 2016) regarding the conservation of very specific life forms hosted in karstic environments; and

WELCOMING the efforts of WCPA’s Geoheritage Specialist Group to develop effective best-practice guidance tools addressed to protected area managers;

The IUCN World Conservation Congress, at its session in Marseille, France:

1. REQUESTS the Director General and WCPA to:

a. mobilise IUCN Regional Offices and the IUCN Global Programme in support of national efforts to collect, compile and publish data on geoheritage and geodiversity in protected areas, including proper inventories, research, and sustainable management and protection of geological substrate, landforms and active geological processes;

b. support the development of a detailed study envisaging the establishment of a future IUCN initiative on Key Geoheritage Areas, as a complement to the existing Key Biodiversity Areas programme, in order to protect geoheritage sites of global conservation significance and move towards more integrated nature conservation;

c. encourage work, including by protected area managers, to enhance the information and proper interpretation of geodiversity and geoheritage in order to increase the awareness of visitors of all natural features inside natural cavities and protected areas and the ways in which geological, biological and cultural elements are often inter-linked; and

d. engage with the Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) to encourage a concerted effort to conduct ecosystem Red List assessments of geologically interesting ecosystems, and to incorporate geoheritage assessments as part of the normal procedure for red-listing and ecosystem assessments;

2. ENCOURAGES national Member organisations, other nature conservation organisations, civil society, academia and managers of protected areas and outstanding underground sites to:

a. foster knowledge about geodiversity and geoheritage inside and outside protected areas and to integrate nature conservation principles and methods into the management of protected areas to ensure the effective protection of this component of natural heritage;

b. establish or improve national legislation concerning the protection of geoheritage, and enabling the necessary conditions to ensure the implementation of effective conservation measures; and

c. encourage the respectful exploration and study of underground environments and their interrelations with the surface; and

3. CALLS ON states, non-governmental organisations, universities, researchers, economic stakeholders and protected area managers to take into account the specific issues linked to underground environments in the definition and implementation of nature conservation policies and to adopt a holistic approach to the management of underground natural environments, considering all relationships between biological and geological elements.

In addition to the preamble, the relevance of this motion is further justified because:

-The growing human population creates new challenges and puts natural resources at risk, and that this requires new and effective strategies in order to achieve the right balance between economic prosperity and the health of our planet;

-The role of geodiversity elements in natural capital and ecosystem services is not yet being fully addressed by the international community or in global policies;

-Many of the targets defined for most of the UN Sustainable Development Goals can only be fully addressed if geodiversity elements and processes are properly taken into account;

-Geological heritage not only plays an important role in underpinning biodiversity conservation, but also is a key element in the natural diversity of the planet and supply different types of benefits such as providing:

a) A source of scientific information that allows us to better understand how nature works, which is essential to guarantee effective and sustainable use of natural resources, to inform adaptation to climate change, and to mitigate natural disaster risk;
b) A resource to support educational activities addressed to young people and the general public to improve understanding of how human prosperity is dependent on the limited natural resources of the planet;
c) The foundation of economic activities based on sustainable tourism that can bring benefits to indigenous and local communities, and promote gender equity;
d) Support for good health and wellbeing through inspirational, spiritual, aesthetic and cultural values of natural features and opportunities for recreation;

-The two UNESCO mechanisms to celebrate the importance of geoheritage – the World Heritage Convention and the Global Geoparks Programme – are the only two initiatives at the international level and no specific programme on geoheritage exists in IUCN;

-Recommendation Rec(2004)3 on Conservation of the Geological Heritage and Areas of Special Geological Interest established by the Council of Europe in 2004 and its call to strengthen cooperation amongst international organizations, scientific institutions and NGOs in the field of geoconservation needs to be fully implemented;

-Protected areas have long been successful as the basis for holistic nature conservation actions but new actions for the management of geoheritage need to be effective;

-The efforts of the WCPA’s Geoheritage Specialist Group in producing guidelines to foster the identification and best practice management of geoheritage, and to give effective tools to protected area managers will give a solid support to Key Geoheritage Areas managers (working title);

- Several IUCN resolutions were approved in recent years recognising the importance of geodiversity and geoheritage for nature conservation, namely Conservation of geodiversity and geological heritage (2008, Barcelona), Valuing and conserving geoheritage within the IUCN Programme 2013–2016 (2012, Jeju), and Conservation of moveable geological heritage (2016, Hawaii).
Cette motion en faveur des milieux souterrains a été élaborée par l'IFREEMIS (Institut de formation, de recherche et d'expertise sur les milieux souterrains), une structure française de création récente qui regroupe des acteurs concernés par les milieux souterrains et représentant la diversité des enjeux qui y sont associés (environnementaux, scientifiques, touristiques, etc.). L'IFREEMIS a été pensé comme une plate-forme collaborative visant à assembler les acteurs des mondes souterrains (techniciens, ingénieurs, gestionnaires, chercheurs). Son action est orientée vers la formation, l’appui technique aux structures publiques et privées et la coopération internationale pour la connaissance, la préservation, la conservation et la valorisation des milieux souterrains et de leurs ressources naturelles et culturelles. Plus précisément, cette motion est porté à l'initiative de la commission "milieux souterrains et espaces naturels protégés", qui est l'une des composantes de l'IFREEMIS.
RNF, qui est membre de l'IFREEMIS, a été choisie pour être l'auteur principal de la motion. La Fédération des Parcs Naturels Régionaux et l'association Païolive, elles aussi membre de l'institut, font partie des co-parrains.

Parmi les structures ayant participé à la réflexion et contribué à la rédaction de la motion, et qui ne sont pas membres de l'UICN, peuvent également être cités :
- le groupe "Géopatrimoine" de l'UICN (IUCN WCPA GSG)
- l'Union Internationale de Spéléologie (UIS)
- l'Université de Savoie Mont Blanc
- le Centre de Ressources, d'Expertise et de Performance Sportives (CREPS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- la Fédération Française de Spéléologie (FFS)
- le Comité Départemental Spéléologie de l'Ardèche (CDS 07)
- l'Association Nationale des Exploitants de Cavernes Aménagées pour le Tourisme (ANECAT)
- l'Australian Cave and Karst Management Association Incorporated (ACKMA)
  • Association Les Eco Maires [France]
  • Association de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune de la Comoé-Léraba [Burkina Faso]
  • Associazione Italiana per il World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Italy) [Italy]
  • Benin Environment and Education Society [Benin]
  • Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences [China]
  • Cameroon Environmental Watch [Cameroon]
  • Centre international de droit comparé de l`environnement [France]
  • China Association of National Parks and Scenic Sites [China]
  • Conservation des Espèces Marines [Côte d'Ivoire]
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [Italy]
  • Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural, Generalitat de Catalunya [Spain]
  • Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco [Monaco]
  • Fondation d'Entreprise Biotope pour la Biodiversité [France]
  • France Nature Environnement [France]
  • Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre [Cuba]
  • Fundación Charles Darwin para las Islas Galápagos [Ecuador]
  • Fédération des parcs naturels régionaux de France [France]
  • Istituto Pangea -Onlus- Istituto Europeo per l`Educazione e la Formazione Professionale per l`Ambiente [Italy]
  • Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle [France]
  • Nature Tropicale [Benin]
  • Reserves Naturelles de France [France]
  • Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero [Spain]
  • Sociedad Geológica de España [Spain]
  • Société Française pour le Droit de l'Environnement [France]
  • International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage [Sweden]
  • The Samdhana Institute Incorporated [Indonesia]
  • Vice Consejería Sostenibilidad Ambiental, Gobierno Vasco [Spain]
