073 - Promotion of the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions

073 - Promotion of the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions

Latest version in this language: Version for electronic vote | Published on: 01 Sep 2020

ACKNOWLEDGING that a definition and a set of eight principles for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) were presented in Resolution 6.069 Defining Nature-based Solutions (Hawai‘i, 2016), and that the importance and relevance of NbS was reflected in three seminal Resolutions: Resolution 5.083 Advancing the role of nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation and their potential to contribute to the global climate change regulatory regime, Resolution 5.084 Promoting ecosystem-based adaptation, and Resolution 5.058 Ecosystem management for disaster risk reduction (DRR) (Jeju, 2012);

NOTING the conclusions of the recent report entitled ‘Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services’ that was prepared under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES);

RECOGNISING that NbS have demonstrated potential to significantly reduce the impact of disaster-scale events;

ALSO RECOGNISING that NbS can play a critical role in adaptation and mitigation related to changing climate;

FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING that NbS have gained significant international recognition, including through the development and implementation of relevant policies;

APPRECIATING the crucial role that NbS can play in contributing to systemic and durable change across economic, social, political and technological sectors; and

ACKNOWLEDGING IUCN Council decision C98/17 of February 2020 endorsing the approval of an IUCN Nature-based Solutions Standard (see Annex);

The IUCN World Conservation Congress, at its session in Marseille, France:

1. CALLS ON the Director General to:

a. promote the NbS concept throughout IUCN;

b. establish a robust, science-led, inclusive and transparent governance mechanism to:

i. guide and manage periodic reviews and the future development of the IUCN Global Standard for NbS; and

ii. ensure and enhance the integrity and credibility of the IUCN Global Standard for NbS in its application; and

c. ensure the IUCN Secretariat prioritises support for the promotion and implementation the IUCN Global Standard for NbS, its uptake and governance;

2. REQUESTS CEM, in collaboration with Commissions, Members and the Secretariat, and in the spirit of the One Programme Charter, to:

a. identify specialists with a diversity of skills to provide the scientific advice required for the application of the Standard across different national circumstances and to provide evidence-based inputs to the periodic reviews of the Standard; and

b. compile, manage and share lessons learned from the application of NbS at local, national and international levels;

3. INVITES all IUCN Members to adopt, apply and promote the IUCN Global Standard for NbS in their policies, programmes and projects, as appropriate; and

4. ENCOURAGES governments, international organisations, International Financial Institutions and the private sector to embrace a consistent and coherent approach to NbS, as represented by the IUCN Global Standard for NbS.


Annex – IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions

See: https://www.iucncongress2020.org/sites/www.iucncongress2020.org/files/motions/motion_073_annex_en.pdf

The Standard will be appended in full to the motion (resolution) following its adoption.

The standard development process has commenced and is in its final stages. By October 2019 a full draft would be ready for online discussions of the contact group. By January 2019, the final version of the standard will also be available, following revisions arising from piloting the standard in different NbS projects around the world. Members are invited to engage with the 2nd public consultation process to be carried out in August and September 2019, which will be announced through the IUCN members’ digest and summarise the progress to date.
