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The True Values of Food

Pourquoi assister à cette session?
If you want to learn about TEEBAgriFood and WBCSD's work on ‘externalities’ (unaccounted for impacts on 3rd parties) of the the agri-food system and hear about concrete contributions that the application of such frameworks can make to policy change and business decision-making, and to discuss the economic case for healthy and sustainable food.
This joint session, run by GIZ, UNEP TEEB and WBCSD will outline the need for food systems transformation, with a specific focus on why this must be driven through economics rather than philanthropy or a pure conservationist view. Agriculture is biodiversity and without safeguarding ecosystems and the services they provide food production for a growing population will not be secured. We will discuss WBCSD's work on the True Value of Food, building understanding of what leading businesses are doing to assess and manage their externalities. You will hear first-hand accounts of the application of TEEBAgriFood in different countries, including megabiodiverse countries which face large scale challenges for development planning and sustainable food production but are embracing change towards sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture or agro-ecology.

Agenda de la session



Project Lead,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmb

The True Values of Food
20:00 - 21:30

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