077 - Urgent call to share and use primary biodiversity in-situ data through emerging biodiversity data platforms at local, national and global scales

077 - Urgent call to share and use primary biodiversity in-situ data through emerging biodiversity data platforms at local, national and global scales

Ancienne version: (Voir la dernière version) | Publiée le : 06 Nov 2019

RECOGNISING that wildlife is an essential component of natural ecosystems and contributes important ecosystem services to people including adequate carbon storage, seed dispersal, pollination, soil integrity and fertility, and food, among others;

CONCERNED that according to the latest Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report, “around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, many within decades, more than ever before in human history”;

NOTING that the collection of in-situ biodiversity data has dramatically increased in the last decade due to the popularisation of passive automatic data collection sensors such as camera traps, sound recorders, drones and eDNA collection devices;

CONCERNED that despite a large amount of in-situ biodiversity data being collected with these new technologies, most of these data are not shared or used in conservation due to the lack of technical capacity to process and analyse them, lack of adequate tools for data management, and lack of trusted data repositories that are available at local to global scales;

AWARE that in order to properly and transparently manage wildlife, conservation managers and policy makers need data on wildlife populations that are current (real-time or near-real-time), primary (in their original form), geographically representative (covering most of the spatial distribution of a species), with the right temporal granularity (sampling intervals that are at least 10% of the expected generation time of a species), and readily available to the conservation, science and public community at large;

NOTING that this information is essential for the development of knowledge and management products required to measure progress and set concrete targets towards the conservation of wildlife at local, national, regional and global scales;

RECOGNISING the role of the network of experts organised under the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and the Red List Unit of the Secretariat for the delivery of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; and

MINDFUL and WELCOMING of the emergence of various wildlife and biodiversity in-situ data-sharing platforms such as GBIF, eBird, iNaturalist, eMammal and Wildlife Insights among others;

Le Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN, lors de sa session à Marseille, France :

1. CALLS ON Commissions, Members and the global community of in-situ data collectors to:

a. consider these data as a public good for the planet and an invaluable resource to manage, benefit and conserve wildlife for the benefits of nature and people;

b. readily deposit these data in globally available repositories and platforms, or public national biodiversity repositories;

c. readily share these data using the most unrestricted Creative Commons data-sharing licenses such as CC0 (public domain) or CC-BY (attribution generic);

d. minimise the time data are embargoed under any of these platforms to maximise their utility for the conservation of species while recognising the need to keep some data partially private (for research, education or security);

e. share needs on specific knowledge products at local, regional and global scales; and

f. ensure and demand that these platforms comply with the ‘Sensitive Data Access Restrictions Policy for the IUCN Red List’ such that the exact sampling locations for sensitive species are obscured for their protection; and

2. INVITES the global community of data users, including scientists, policy makers, conservation managers, private citizens and others, to:

a. readily use these data to inform knowledge of biodiversity and conservation through their application in, among others, assessments for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, and development of biodiversity indicators; and

b. develop these products in a transparent and reproducible way while respecting corresponding data-sharing licences.

  • Conservation International [United States of America]
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt [Colombia]
  • NatureServe [United States of America]
  • Wildlife Conservation Society [United States of America]
  • World Wide Fund for Nature - International [Switzerland]
