Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Synergistic Effects of Climate Change + Invasive Species: A Call for RISCC Management

Efectos sinérgicos del cambio climático + especies invasoras: un llamado a la gestión de RISCC

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
Attendees will gain a greater awareness of the synergistic effects of climate change and invasive species and their impacts on public wellbeing, indigenous cultures, the economy, and biodiversity.
Two major drivers of harmful and unwanted change, climate change and invasive species, have a synergistic effect on each other. Frameworks for research, policy, and communications tend to be siloed, but recent efforts and collaborative studies have begun documenting these interactions. This session will summarize some of these findings and introduce the new Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) management networks that are forming in the US, including the Pacific RISCC. RISCCs focus research and communications on the confluence of climate change and invasive species to better inform mitigation and management
  • Hawai'i Conservation Alliance Foundation [United States of America]
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