Rights of Nature: legal perspectives from Latin America, and its implications in International Environmental Law |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Role of Yoga and meditation in inspiring and promoting nature conservation |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Scaling up Community-Led Conservation using Tacare Solutions and Mapping Tools |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Selling Planet Earth - Communicating biodiversity for publics and policy |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Simple solutions for difficult places: ecosystem-based adaptation in mountains |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Social impacts of protected areas - some myths and realities |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Sounds of Your Park e-poster |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
SSC e-poster #1 |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
SSC e-poster #2 |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Gestion intégrée des ressources côtières dans les îles du Pacifique pour soutenir des économies durables |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Taking Climate Action through Increasing Mangrove Cover: The State of the World’s Mangroves |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Tapping economic potential for conservation through European-African public-private cooperation |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
Savoir, innovation et technologie
The Asian Species Action Partnership: Bridging the gap between in situ and ex situ conservation |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
The Dream Map approach for promoting sound land use decisions in the Brazilian Atlantic forest |
Pitch des Intervenants |
The future of spatial data collection and processing - Open Data Kit |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
The Global Reef Expedition: Circumnavigating the Globe to Address the Coral Reef Crisis |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
La Liste Verte en Afrique: Comment booster le processus? |
Pitch des Intervenants |
The importance of conservation objectives for marine conservation in Canada's protected areas |
Pitch des Intervenants |
The Monk Seal Alliance - A holistic approach to project funding |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
The outcomes of the Pacific SIDS Energy, Ecosystems and Sustainable Livelihoods Initiative |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
The Pacific Islands - A United Voice with an Urgent Message |
Pitch des Intervenants |
The SADC TFCA Network: an innovative governance tool for transboundary conservation |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
The Special Force of Women |
Pitch des Intervenants |
The Swan Champions of the Russian Arctic |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Transformative Adaptation with Nature in practice |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Transformative Conservation: Using systems to unlock complexity |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Translating research and biodiversity informatics into transformative global conservation action |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Transparency in Fisheries: Illuminating the Supply Chain from Bait to Plate |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Unir les acteurs engagés dans la réduction des déchets sauvages avec les sciences participatives |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Unleash the Power of Psychology to change behavior in favor of nature |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Using bioacoustics to improve conservation program effectiveness and biodiversity monitoring |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Using blockchain to support forest landscape restoration. Introducing FLRChain |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
Comment utiliser le processus d'évaluation d'impact environnemental pour lutter contre le changement climatique |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Vers l'agenda 2030: moyens de subsistance rurales axées sur les forêts dans le Bassin du Congo |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
Vers le renforcement, la Valorisation et la Reconnaissance des Aires du Patrimoine Autochtone et Communautaire (APAC) en RD Congo |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Vigilancia Comunitaria Indígena en industrias extractivas en la Amazonia Peruana |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Volunteer-Collected Water Quality Data for Decision-making – Microplastics to Wild and Scenic Rivers |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Water for People & Nature: Lessons from Integrating Freshwater Conservation and WASH in Africa |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Pitch des Intervenants |
WCEL Speaker Pitch #2 |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Congrès des aires protégées de l'UICN en Afrique (APAC), mars 2022, Kigali |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
We are the Land : How international travel can support Indigenous Earth Gardians |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
What do birds tell us about progress to the 2020 Biodiversity Targets and the post-2020 framework? |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
What would happen if malaria mosquitoes were locally suppressed using gene drive? |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
When does a protected area truly become international? Exploring shared natural heritage |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Which businesses are at risk from environmental change through their dependence on nature? |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
WILDLABS: Broadening participation in conservation technology innovation and application |
Pitch des Intervenants |
Savoir, innovation et technologie
Pitch des Intervenants |
Systèmes économiques et financiers
World Heritage Leadership: connecting people, nature and culture in a new capacity building approach |
Pitch des Intervenants |